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Because change happens in mindful steps
Session Fees (from Jan 1st 2020)
Payment possible by: Cash, Credit Card, PayPal, Android Pay, Apple Pay, BACS
Individual Counselling or Psychotherapy (50 minute session) :
Daytime : £45.
Evening (5pm onwards) : £50
Online Counselling (50 minute session) :
Daytime : £45.
Evening (5pm onwards) : £50
EMDR sessions (75 minute session) :
Daytime : £70.
Evening (5pm onwards) : £75
Longer sessions available on a pro-rata cost basis
A limited amount of concessionary places are available.
(Limits to the duration of concessionary work apply)
We understand that sessions may need to be rescheduled however please note that sessions cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will remain fully chargeable
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