Because change happens in mindful steps
Your Privacy Matters
GDPR compliance; Privacy Policy and Website Privacy Notice

We take the protection of your privacy and confidentiality seriously. All our counselling clients and visitors to our website should know that their personal data will be processed in accordance with our GDPR compliant policies.
For full details of the Privacy Notice for this web site please click the button below marked "Web Site Privacy Notice"
For our counselling clients we will issue and explain our Privacy Policy at the start of the counselling intake session. Counselling work cannot start until this is done and you have given us your informed consent to process your personal and sensitive data.
For our online counselling clients we will also issue and explain our Online Counselling Privacy Notice which is a supplement to our overall Privacy Policy.
The law requires us to tell you about your rights and our obligations to you in regards to the processing and control of your personal data. We do this now, by requesting that you read the information provided at www.knowyourprivacyrights.org
As a counselling service, mindful steps collects and processes both personal and sensitive client data. The proprietor, Andrew Brown, is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) as a Tier 1 Data Controller.
The collection, use, storage and disposal of client data is done in accordance with the following:
General Data Protection Regulation, 2018 (GDPR)
Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA)
BACP 2018: Ethical Framework
BACP 2018: Good Practice #105
BACP 2018: Good Practice #15
BACP 2018: Good Practice #30-31
Full details of how mindful steps manages confidential counselling client data in accordance with the above legislation is freely issued to clients.
Should you have any initial questions please get in touch.